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This page must be considered part of the iSHARE Framework
This page is considered normative and is therefore compliant with RFC 2119.
Even though all request parameters are optional, at least one parameter should be provided. E.x. if you would like to retrieve all parties, you could use name=*
or party_id=*
Decoded parties_token parameters:
The model of the parties_token
JWT response is available on Swaggerhub. For convenience the model of the parties_info object, contained within the token, is described below:
Object. Root level.
Contains results count and information about the parties.
Integer. Contained in parties_info
Total count of found parties. Since one request returns up to 10 parties, the value helps to understand if more than one page exists.
Array of Objects.
Contained in parties_info
Collection of parties.
Array of Strings. Contained in party_info
Identifiers of the party.
String. Contained in party_info
Name of the party.
String. Contained in party_info
Identifier of the party who registered the participant identified by the party_id attribute above.
Object. Contained in party_info
Object which contains status and validity timestamps of the party.
String. Contained in adherence
Status of the party. Available values are Active, Pending, NotActive and Revoked.
Timestamp (ISO 8601). Contained in adherence
UTC timestamp which states since when adherence status has established.
Timestamp (ISO 8601). Contained in adherence
UTC timestamp which states till when adherence status has established.
Object. Contained in party_info
Object which contains additional general contact information of the party.
String. Contained in additional_info
A brief description of the party.
String. Contained in additional_info
URL pointing to the endpoint where company logo can be found.
String. Contained in additional_info
URL pointing to the endpoint where company logo can be found.
String. Contained in additional_info
General company phone number of the party.
String. Contained in additional_info
General company email id of the party.
Boolean. Contained in additional_info
Consent to publicly publish the information contained in this object.
Array of Objects. Contained in additional_info
An array of ISO names of the countries where the party operates.
Array of Objects. Contained in additional_info
An array of GICS based sectors/industry that party serves in.
String. Contained in additional_info
An free text field containing keywords relevant for party.
Array of Objects. Contained in data
.Object which contains details about contracts including data space contracts that party has agreed and signed to.
String. Contained in the object of agreements
Type of agreement. Refers to the official type of agreement. For iSHARE following types are available Terms of Use, Accession Agreement, Certified Party Agreement, Participant Registry Agreement (former name Satellite Agreement will be deprecated). Additionally, each data space can define their own type and it can be listed here when appropriate data space is chosen.
String. Contained in the object of agreements
The name of the agreement or agreement file.
String. Contained in the object of agreements
Status of the agreement. Available values are Draft, Signed, Accepted, Obsolete.
Timestamp (ISO 8601). Contained in the object of agreements
Date of signature of the agreement.
Timestamp (ISO 8601). Contained in the object of agreements
Expiry date of the agreement. For non expiring agreements the end date is far in future.
String. Contained in the object of agreements
The calculated hash of the agreement file that has been uploaded. Note agreements are not stored in ledger, but only their hash.
String. Contained in the object of agreements
The trust framework to which this agreement complies to. Currently, only iSHARE is available.
String. Contained in the object of agreements
The ID of the data space. If specified, party is onboarded in accordance to this data space’s terms and conditions.
String. Contained in the object of agreements
The name of the selected dataspace.
String. Contained in the object of agreements
Legal compliance to this agreement has been verified in accordance with the process set in trust framework as we as data space governance. Possible values are Yes, No, Not Applicable.
Array of Objects. Contained in data
Object which contains the details of the PKI/x509 certificates of the party. Either certificates or SPOR must be present.
String. Contained in the object of certificates
subjectName as encoded in the X.509 certificate which corresponds with the party that is being requested from the Participant Registry.
String. Contained in the object of certificates
Contains the type of certificate. For example: eIDAS certificates of type eSEAL are trusted, hence the value of the field will be eSEAL.
Timestamp (ISO 8601). Contained in the object of certificates
UTC timestamp which states since when certificate is valid.
String. Contained in the object of certificates
The base64 encoded pem format value of the certificate identified by its subject name and fingerprint.
String. Contained in the object of certificates
The SHA256 fingerprint of the certificate.
Array of Objects. Contained in data
The signed proof received from recognised issuer (currently eID identity providers) of information about the organisation and the authorised representative of that organisation being authenticated with “High” level of assurance.
String. Contained in the object of certifications
verifiable credentials of the participant signed by a trusted authority vouching for its authenticity.
Array of Objects. Contained in data
Object which contains details about the iSHARE roles of the party. The details include the level of assurance as well as compliance status for each role.
String. Contained in the object of roles
Role name. Possible roles are ServiceConsumer, ServiceProvider, EntitledParty, AuthorisationRegistry, IdentityProvider, IdentityBroker and ParticipantRegistry, iShareSatellite (deprecated, will be removed in future releases, use ParticipantRegistry instead).
Timestamp (ISO 8601). Contained in the object of roles
UTC timestamp which states since when certification is valid.
Timestamp (ISO 8601). Contained in the object of roles
UTC timestamp which states till when certification is valid.
Integer. Contained in the object of roles
Certificate’s level of assurance. Available values are 1 (low), 2 (substantial) and 3 (high).
Boolean. Contained in the object of roles
Compliance requirements of this role has been met by party.
Boolean. Contained in the object of roles
Legal requirements of this role has been met by party including signing of appropriate agreements.
Array of Objects. Contained in data
Object which contains details about the authorisation registers that the party uses. Please be aware that the current reference implementation of the iSHARE Satellite returns this information in an attribute "authregistery" instead of "auth_registries". This will be updated in a future release.
String. Contained in the object of auth_registries
The name of the authorisation registry provider.
String. Contained in the object of auth_registries
The Id of the authorisation registry provider.
String. Contained in the object of auth_registries
The URL pointer specific to the party where authorisations can be queried/checked from.
String. Contained in the object of auth_registries
The id of the data space where the party uses this authorisation registry provider.
String. Contained in the object of auth_registries
The name of the data space corresponding to the data space id.
The response contains an encoded JWT, which looks like this:
After decoding, the example content of the JWT looks like this:
Search for participant information from your Participant Registry. Various search parameters are supported as shown below. When results are more then 10 participants, pagination is used in response and each page contains up to 10 participants. Server response is an iSHARE signed JSON Web Token. Please refer to the models 'jwt_header' and 'jwt_payload_party_token' which indicate what the decoded response will look like.
Optional parameter used to search by party's "Active" status.
Optional parameter used to search by party's name. Can contain a single * as wildcard.
Optional parameter used to search by party's EORI. Can contain a single * as wildcard. It searches through the party_id array for matching eori (contained in the party_id array). This parameter must be considered deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
Optional parameter used to search by party's ID. Can contain a single * as wildcard. It searches through the party_id array for matching party_id.
Search for parties that play one of the certified roles as defined in iSHARE role framework.
Search parties with specific adherence date
Search for parties with adherence status like "Active", "Revoked","Not Active", "Pending"
Search parties with specific adherence start date
Search parties with specific adherence end date
Search parties by their registrar Participant Registry's ID number
Search a party by their website URL
Search a party by their email ID
Search a party by their company phone number
Search parties whose general company contact information is allowed to be published
Search parties who match any of the keywords that they have added in their participant information under tags. It is a free text field and can contain any value
Search parties based on which framework they were onboarded with. Currently parties can only be registered with "iSHARE" framework
Search parties based on the subject name of their PKI (x509) certificates. Usually to find a party who is requesting tokens
CN=Test Service Consumer,organizationIdentifier=NTRNL-10000001,O=Test Service Consumer,C=NL
Search parties based on their roles as defined in iSHARE role framework. Possible roles are ServiceConsumer, ServiceProvider, EntitledParty, AuthorisationRegistry, IdentityProvider, IdentityBroker and IdentityBroker and ParticipantRegistry, iShareSatellite (deprecated, will be removed in future releases, use ParticipantRegistry instead).
Search parties based on their level of assurance which is registered in the participant list. Possible values are Low/Substantial/High
Search parties that have their compliance to framework verified or not.
Search parties that have signed the appropriate legal agreements and that have been verified during or after onboarding. Parties adhering to legal agreements are legally obliged to adhere to terms of use of data.
Search parties based on their authorisation registry provider. The ID of the authorisation registry must be provided in search parameter and this must be listed as authorisation registry in the participant record
Search parties based on their authorisation registry provider. The name of the authorisation registry must be provided in search parameter and this must be listed as authorisation registry in the participant record
Askme anything
Search parties based on data-spaces they participate in. The ID of the data-space must be provided
Search parties based on data-spaces they participate in. The name of the data-space must be provided
Dutch Mobility Dataspace
Search parties by name of country they list as their country of operation
Search parties by name of sector they list as their sector/industry
The parties API by default uses pagination. Each page size is fixed at 10 parties per page. When search results into more then 10 parties, the page parameter must be added for next pages
Search parties based on the subject name of their PKI (x509) certificates. Usually to find a party who is requesting tokens
CN=Test Service Consumer,organizationIdentifier=NTRNL-10000001,O=Test Service Consumer,C=NL