Welcome to the iSHARE Developer Portal
Version information
This documentation is in line with the iSHARE Trust Framework 2.1.
Older versions of the framework can be accessed through the top menu. Version 1.11 is available here.
In the iSHARE technical specifications, both snake_case and camelCase are used interchangeably. With every iteration of updates, the specifications will incrementally be changed to camelCase.
Part of this documentation is formal Framework specification
Part of this documentation must be considered part of the formal iSHARE Trust Framework Specification. Where applicable, this is clearly marked.
The iSHARE Trust Framework is a collaborative effort to improve the exchange of data between organisations in and across data spaces. The iSHARE Trust Framework is available here.
Technical Approach
Unlike traditional software infrastructures, iSHARE offers a “soft infrastructure” focusing on:
Identification, authentication, and authorization for machine-to-machine (M2M) and human-to-machine (H2M) communication via REST API.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for authentication.
Signed JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for message integrity.
Data sharing transactions must align with the iSHARE Trust Framework’s roles, each with specific responsibilities and interactions. This portal provides everything needed to technically implement iSHARE in your organisation, including:
How to get started for each role.
All iSHARE technical specifications.
Definitions for all endpoints required per role.
Additional content
If you are looking for additional content before getting started with your implementation, the knowledge base contains the Technical standards used in iSHARE, try the postman collections to understand how iSHARE Trust Framework works technically or make use of the reference implementations and open-source components on GitHub.
Last updated