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This page must be considered part of the iSHARE Trust Framework
This is an abstract service (business specific) endpoint to show how any Service Provider that adheres to iSHARE MUST apply iSHARE conformant OAuth to every iSHARE enabled service. Request can make use of any HTTP method and can contain any extra headers. For convenience this documentation only defines the GET method. Parameters are undefined because they vary for each Service Provider due to their business specific logic. Note: Additional headers for security, statefulnes, application functionality could be added and is out of scope of this specification.
iSHARE delegation evidence regarding the requested service. The Service Consumer can obtain this evidence from an Authorization Registry / Entitled Party before requesting a specific service.
iSHARE specific optional client assertion. Used when a Service Consumer is requesting a service on behalf of another Service Consumer in a 'service broker' pattern. It is used to prove that the 'brokering' Service Consumer indeed has had a request from the original Service Consumer
Optional iSHARE specific value describing the purpose of the license the Service Consuming Entity requests for the data in the service response
Any service specific headers